Erica Devapura Erica Devapura

Don’t live in someone else’s box

Let go of other people’s expectations of you. Rather, focus on what is true to you.

Be clear on your dreams and pursue your definition of happiness.

Let go of the desire to please other people. Instead, make more effort to do what brings joy to you.

Step outside your box, you can evolve and shine as yourself.

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Sanice Embleton Sanice Embleton

Would you like to do a quick 5 minute preview?

As a mum, some days I struggle to find 20 minutes a day to exercise. But guess what? Even 5 minutes a day can help. It can give you more energy, it can help you lose weight. If you can't find an hour to workout, how about a 5 minute routine?

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Sanice Embleton Sanice Embleton

Pressure to lose weight after babies

Us mums have enough responsibility, let alone the pressure to lose weight!

Cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, washing, drying and putting away clothes, managing the household, work…raising children! So much, right?

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Sanice Embleton Sanice Embleton

Write down your goals

Write down realistic goals, and tick it off once you’ve completed it.

The simple act of ticking or crossing off a task will give you positive energy and activate Feel Good chemicals in your brain. YOU WILL FEEL GOOD!

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Sanice Embleton Sanice Embleton

My mum life is constant & tiring!

My purpose in life is to be the greatest mother that I can be for my 2 girls. But there are days when I raise my voice and then feel really bad. Like I’m a bad mum.

I know I’m most joyful, and a good example for my daughters, when I make time for myself💖

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