Manori A.
Erica is different to other personal trainers because she keeps me motivated every day & she inspires me to value myself.
Aswini P.
Erica is also a mum, so she understands our busy lives. Even if I can only attend one class a week, Erica makes me feel proud of myself.
Nelum T.
Erica genuinely cares about us. She is more like a friend than an instructor. I feel comfortable exercising with her & the rest of the Forever Young ladies.
Meneka D.
Meneka went from no exercise to consistent workouts!
“I love working out with Erica. She makes me feel confident about myself, and I feel good working out with other mothers.”
Dumila W.
Dumila went from saying “no” to online classes to joining us 3 times a week!
“Thank you for all the encouragement and inspiration you give us.
I am more positive after doing your gratitude practices. This positivity helps my relationship with my kids, my partner and everyone in my life.
I was not keen on online exercise classes, but after doing your Zoom class, I’m now addicted to your online classes.”
Heshani B.
Heshani went from struggling to wake up each morning to waking up at 7am with enthusiasm!
“Every time you try something new, you have doubts and questions, like will this work. But after joining Forever Young Workouts it changed me in so many ways. Not only am I losing weight, but I am healthier, I have more energy and I am much happier and I appreciate life more. I feel amazing from inside and out and that’s all thanks to Erica for pushing me, supporting me, and believing in me.”
Angela R.
Angela went from other group fitness classes to our annual membership after one free class!
“Coming from doing F45 which I loved, I found Forever Young workouts to be more heart on heart. And, most important I can be myself, and it feels good.
Erica reminds us to stay positive and take things slow, this is why I keep coming back.
While everyone else focuses on kg and time limits... Erica reminds us that our mental health is as important as everything else..”